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Annet Matama: An Icon of Female Empowerment in Uganda

Discover how Annet Matama, a bodaboda driver in Uganda, transformed her life with the support of Women Rising for Africa, as recounted in the “Daily Monitor”.

The article in the Daily Monitor recounts the story of Annet Matama, a security guard in Jinja, Uganda, who became a bodaboda driver after leaving her job due to sexual harassment. Following the publication of her story in the Daily Monitor, she received supportive calls, including one from Liliane Felix, founder of Women Rising for Africa. Impressed by Annet’s story, Liliane provided her with 14 new motorcycles, valued at over Shs80m, to help expand her business and support other female drivers. This act reflects Women Rising for Africa’s commitment to female empowerment and gender equality in Uganda. For more details, read the full article in the Daily Monitor.

A Role Model

Annet Matama’s story is a clear example of how support and determination can transform lives, providing women with the tools to overcome barriers and thrive in male-dominated sectors.

Annet Matama and Women Rising for Africa are making a difference in Uganda, demonstrating how empowerment and community support can change lives.

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About Us

We Are In A Mission To
Help The Helpness

Mujeres Rising for Africa is a non profit organisation with the focus on Women empowerment, safe mobility, safety, creating new job opportunities and a new set of skills to improve their quality of life and economic independence.


