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Breaking Barriers: How the ‘Women on Wheels’ Program Fuels Financial Independence and Gender Inclusion in Uganda

Discover the transformative journey of the ‘Women on Wheels’ program in Uganda, a pioneering initiative led by Liliana Phix that empowers women through mobility and transport. This program not only equips women with the skills to navigate the boda boda industry but also challenges societal norms, offering a pathway to financial independence and gender equality. Dive into the inspiring stories of resilience and empowerment as these women ride towards a brighter future.

Welcome to another insightful entry on our blog. Today, we’re delving into the empowering world of women in business, focusing on a niche yet rapidly growing sector that’s breaking stereotypes and paving new paths for female entrepreneurship: the boda boda (motorcycle taxi) industry in Uganda. Our exploration is centered around an enlightening interview with Liliana Phix, the CEO and founder of Women Rising for Africa, and the innovative force behind the Women on Wheels program.

Liliana Phix’s journey into creating a program dedicated to empowering women through mobility and transport in Uganda is a testament to innovation and the breaking of traditional barriers. The Women on Wheels initiative is more than just about teaching women to ride motorcycles; it’s about shattering the stigma and biases surrounding women in the transport industry, providing them with financial independence, and ultimately, contributing to gender inclusion.

Phix’s inspiration stemmed from her observations of the mobility and transport challenges faced by women in Uganda, where very few women drove cars and even fewer rode motorcycles. Determined to make a difference, she launched Women on Wheels, aiming to empower ladies by breaking the bias and stigma associated with women in the transport industry.

The program has not only provided women with the skills to operate motorcycles but has also facilitated their access to resources, mentorship, and a supportive community. It addresses the challenges women face, from family resistance and societal stereotypes to financial barriers, by engaging directly with their families and communities, and providing the necessary resources and support to overcome these obstacles.

The impact of the Women on Wheels program is profound, with numerous success stories of women gaining financial independence, starting their own businesses, and significantly improving their families’ lives. These women are not just riders; they are entrepreneurs, community leaders, and trailblazers setting an example for future generations.

As we celebrate these inspiring journeys, it’s clear that the Women on Wheels program is more than just about mobility; it’s a movement towards gender equality, empowerment, and social change. Through Liliana Phix’s vision and the determination of countless women, the program is not only changing the face of the transport industry in Uganda but also empowering women to take control of their destinies, one ride at a time.

Stay tuned for more stories of women making strides in business and beyond, as we continue to celebrate their achievements and contributions to society.

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Help The Helpness

Mujeres Rising for Africa is a non profit organisation with the focus on Women empowerment, safe mobility, safety, creating new job opportunities and a new set of skills to improve their quality of life and economic independence.


