Phone Number

+ 34 644 00 99 71

Mvule Crescent plot 51, Jinja


We love our Tshirts “Freedom is not being afraid ” design by Julia Verri  @juliaverrilustra

Our cotton pouch with zipper ” WOW ” Women on Wheels ” 

Our organic cotton short sleeve Tshirt  ” Freedom is not being Afraid ”  design by Julia Verri  @juliaverrilustra




We love our cotton bag edition ” Freedom is not being afraid ” design by Julia Verri  @juliaverrilustra


Yep thats us ! with our white tank top edition ” Freedom is not being afraid ” design by Julia Verri  @juliaverrilustra


Dark grey fanny pack ” WOW ” Women on wheels

Black V neck cotton Tshirt short sleeve “WOW” Women on wheels 

WOW is our main program and we are proud it it.