Mvule Crescent plot 51, Jinja


Empowering Women in Uganda with “Women on Wheels”

In the vibrant heart of Kampala, Uganda, mobility is essential. However, for many women in this African country, finding a safe and accessible means of transportation has been a constant challenge.

Arriving in Kampala and finding the right mode of transportation wasn’t an easy task for those with limited resources. In Uganda, the most common option for getting around is the “boda,” a motorcycle that serves as a means of transportation for the majority of the population. However, surprisingly, only 2% of boda drivers are women. What happens when you rely on this mode of transportation and you’re a woman in a predominantly male industry?

The answer to this question is the “Women on Wheels” program. This initiative, driven by a nonprofit organization, aims to empower women in Uganda in multiple ways. Its goals are clear and ambitious:

1. Enhance the protection, safety, and well-being of women.

In a country where safety concerns are constant, “Women on Wheels” stands as a bastion of protection for women. By training women as boda drivers, they are equipped with the necessary skills to handle potentially dangerous situations on the road.

2. Increase access to job opportunities.

The program offers training for women to become commercial motorcycle drivers, providing them with the opportunity to generate their own income. This not only reduces women’s economic dependence but also opens new doors in an industry previously dominated by men.

3. Promote independence and safe mobility for women.

Mobility is essential for any individual, but in Uganda, lack of safe access to transportation can limit women’s options. By learning to ride a motorcycle, program participants gain independence and autonomy to move around their community safely.

4. Provide a comprehensive range of supportive activities.

“Women on Wheels” doesn’t just teach driving skills. It also provides classes on traffic laws, first aid, self-defense, and basic business skills. This ensures that women are well-prepared to face the challenges that may arise on the road to independence.

The potential impact of this program is significant. As the number of female commercial motorcycle drivers increases, safer mobility is created within the community, which in turn promotes independence and creates additional jobs and opportunities for women. Furthermore, the organization goes a step further by establishing a daycare center for the children of women attending these training activities, further removing barriers to women’s participation in the workforce.

In summary, “Women on Wheels” is changing the landscape for women in Uganda. It’s providing opportunities, safety, and empowerment to a group of people who historically have faced challenges in a male-dominated industry. With this program, the women of Uganda are taking the wheel of their own destiny and forging a path towards a brighter and more equitable future.

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We Are In A Mission To
Help The Helpness

Mujeres Rising for Africa is a non profit organisation with the focus on Women empowerment, safe mobility, safety, creating new job opportunities and a new set of skills to improve their quality of life and economic independence.



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